AssetWise Implementation Guide

Integrating AssetWise with ProjectWise

This chapter is for:
  • IT managers
  • AssetWise system administrators
  • ProjectWise system administrators

This chapter assumes:

  • You already have operational AssetWise and ProjectWise systems.

Integration with ProjectWise is used to keep track of ProjectWise documents from within your AssetWise community, by monitoring selected ProjectWise folders and creating documents in the community based on documents in ProjectWise.

Integration monitors selected folders in a ProjectWise datasource. Synchronization with the monitored folders provides the community with an up-to-date list of the documents that exist in those folders. You can configure synchronization options to automatically register (create) documents in the community based on the documents in the monitored folders, or you can turn off the auto-registration options and manually register only the documents you need after the folders are synchronized. You can synchronize as often as you need to.

Whether automatically or manually registering documents, you can either create a copy of the document in the community that references (is linked to) the original document in ProjectWise, or you can move the document from ProjectWise to AssetWise. When you reference a document, synchronizing the document in AssetWise will keep it up to date with the original document in ProjectWise. When documents are moved into AssetWise, the original document is deleted from ProjectWise.

Transferring ProjectWise documents to AssetWise is the responsibility of the Sync Service. ProjectWise synchronization jobs are added to the sync queue, and the Sync Service that is responsible for processing those ProjectWise sync jobs is called upon. Sync Service works in conjunction with the Storage Service, which requires an external ProjectWise storage device and repository that points to the ProjectWise datasource where the original documents come from.